There are those that feel even though they are the school psychologist, they should be able to tell me where I need to be working. Update!: I'm the Library typist. You're a school psychologist (who rewards the bad children- I'm still trying to figure that one out). Guess what!? I'm going to be working in the library today and every other day, so don't waste your breath telling me to go down the hall to be a monitor.
Then there are those whose job title is Principal, and never come out of their office to talk to their staff and when they see a child run the opposite way. I'm sorry, something is wrong with that picture.
There are those that feel even though there's a Library sign up sheet, they don't need to use it. Just because you wear beautiful Cole Haan Mariela Air Sandals that are worth $400, it doesn't mean you can just waltz in and take over the library. (Now if you gave me the shoes it'd be a different story...)
And my favorite today: Those that feel even though the book that their daughter borrowed from the library was damaged, she shouldn't have to pay for it. Let's just keep in mind the daughter decided to color all the pictures in the book AND most of the words, then throw it in the washing machine to wash off the crayon, only to give it back with about 5 pages that you could actually read. 5. Out of 32. My apologies ma'am...How could I even THINK about charging you for such minimal damage?
It's only Monday and this has me quite worried. With the amount of ra-tarded people and issues I put up with today, I can only imagine what's in store for the rest of the week... :-x
How do people that lack all common sense make it in this world!? And why do people put up with them?!?!?
Stupid people should be quarantined ;-)